
f(h) SoS with A-188-1d as insert

f(h) SoS with 188-1d as insert by 11ish
flight of harmony SoS delay with Doepfer 188-1d BBD as insert. Then Morphing Terrarium XY (left) and Z through Doepfer Wasp filter (right).


f(h) SoS and A-137 for rhythm (hat tip Navs)

SOS and A137 for rhythm (hat tip Navs) by 11ish
After Navs' brilliant suggestion to use the Topobrillo wavefolder for clock syncopation, i tried the same with the Doepfer A-137 wave multiplier. The track also demos the Flight Of Harmony "Sound Of Shadows" digital delay module.



Morphing Terrarium (2)

This is part 2 of my demo of the Synthesis Technology E350 ("Morphing Terrarium", here in variable phase shift-mode (accessible via jumper 7 on the back of the module) that enables the waves to form lissajous patterns. I added a Doepfer BBD and an Analogue Solutions VCO to spice up the drones. Sorry for the compression. I wanted the video to be this long, but it also had to be under 500MB… Part 3 will demonstrate the use of Bank C waveforms as LFOs.

Morphing Terrarium (pt. 2) from katavist on Vimeo.