
Lamp2 module from Synthwerks

Here they are illuminating two Doepfer Light-to-CV modules below in my controller case.
pic 1 , pic 2
It has two USB sockets for lamps, each with its dedicated dimmer (different from those pictured here). Great module idea, very useful! Available at Schneider's now.


f(h) SoS with A-188-1d as insert

f(h) SoS with 188-1d as insert by 11ish
flight of harmony SoS delay with Doepfer 188-1d BBD as insert. Then Morphing Terrarium XY (left) and Z through Doepfer Wasp filter (right).


f(h) SoS and A-137 for rhythm (hat tip Navs)

SOS and A137 for rhythm (hat tip Navs) by 11ish
After Navs' brilliant suggestion to use the Topobrillo wavefolder for clock syncopation, i tried the same with the Doepfer A-137 wave multiplier. The track also demos the Flight Of Harmony "Sound Of Shadows" digital delay module.



Morphing Terrarium (2)

This is part 2 of my demo of the Synthesis Technology E350 ("Morphing Terrarium", here in variable phase shift-mode (accessible via jumper 7 on the back of the module) that enables the waves to form lissajous patterns. I added a Doepfer BBD and an Analogue Solutions VCO to spice up the drones. Sorry for the compression. I wanted the video to be this long, but it also had to be under 500MB… Part 3 will demonstrate the use of Bank C waveforms as LFOs.

Morphing Terrarium (pt. 2) from katavist on Vimeo.


Morphing Terrarium (1)

I admit it: waveteable synthesis was never anything i particularly cared about. I seldom used the wavetable OSCs in my Evolver, let alone was i ever interested in dedicated wavetable synths. Until yesterday, when i received the SynthTech E350 module in euro format. It was the morphing feature and the LFO-capabilities that sold me to it. This thing sounds and looks incredible, and build quality is extraordinary. I had been curious all the time what the waves would look like on the scope when morphed... so naturally that was the first thing to do: hook it up to the MFB VD-01 and TFT display.
Here's the first demo of the Synthesis Technology E350 ("Morphing Terrarium") eurorack module and its waveforms. Two Doepfer A-179s (Light-to-CV) were used as controller modules. Left hand controlled Borg filter cutoff, right hand speed of the LFO driving the sequence. This first video shows the xy- and z-outputs in normal mode. Part 2 will focus on the 'hidden' variable-phase-shift mode.

Morphing Terrarium (pt. 1) from katavist on Vimeo.


Wiard JAG, Bugbrand CTL1 and duelling BBDs

Wiard JAG, Bugbrand CTL1 and duelling BBDs from katavist on Vimeo.

Blacet Time Machine and Doepfer A-188-1d used simultaneously (the latter filtered by Wiard Joy Rider double Borg).
Frac modules can be mounted in slanted MFB-Euro-frames for easy operation. Although you can screw them in only at the upper rail, they sit firm and tight.


enjoy the eschaton, he said

<a href="http://katavist.bandcamp.com/track/enjoy-the-eschaton-he-said">enjoy the eschaton, he said by katavist</a>

I whipped up a little track with that last patch....

Doepfer A-143-2 Quad ADSR controlling 3 LPGs

Doepfer A-143-2 Quad ADSR controlling 3 LPGs from katavist on Vimeo.

This is a fairly basic (and visually boring, sorry) demo of the A-143-2, showing one of many possible uses. The patch was rather complex with Wiard Malekko Anti-Oscillator as the only audio-source, Wiard Malekko Borg Filter in LPG mode, PlanB Model 13 (both gates), MakeNoise Maths voltage mirroring MFB Dual LFO random output - this output and the mirrored cv were mixed by a Doepfer A-138c Polarizing Mixer (with additional inputs from diy 8 step sequencer and Bugbrand Ctl-1 as 4 step 3 track sequencer) all controlling Anti-Osc pitch… Model 13 SUM-output also into Doepfer A-188-1 4096 stages BBD whose output was filtered by Wiard Joyrider double Borg and finally sent to the Blacet Time Machine. First output from Model 13 into Doepfer A-137-1 Wave Multiplier I (which was fed 4 cvs from A-144 Morphing Controller modulated by A-147 VC LFO and then into diy spring reverb... plus some more senseless Maths patching and whatever I forgot... Ah, and thanks to TipTop for the wonderful stackcables!


maths as unexact science

maths as unexact science by 11ish
Just got my MakeNoise Maths and thought I'd try the clockdividing function first. Quite obvious when heard, I patched the mayhem output from the Malekko Wiard Anti-Oscillator through a seperate envelope, clocked through Maths, and an m13 low pass gate. After a while i mixed the masterclock with a multed and s/h'd version of itself which resulted in nice rhythmic variations. Finally the Blacet LFO providing the masterclock is fm'd by Malekko Wiard Noisering, which messes things up even more...http://soundcloud.com/11ish/maths-as-unexact-science



Ok, this blog still needs some introduction.

We live in exciting times! Boutique modular manufacturers are popping up like mushrooms and bring in a fresh wave of creativity and enthusiasm on an unprecedented scale. Idealistic distributors help bring it all to us, the users - musicians, hobbyists, performers, explorers. One aim of this blog is to put into perspective a perceived Euro/Frac antagonism (if we limit the discussion to minijack-territory). I love and use both Frac and Euro - both play excellent together!

This is a platform for my sonic and musical explorations, mostly modular, occasionally non-modular, and everything else I might have to say or show. I have two videos out on vimeo that got some good response which encouraged me to start this blog. It's merely a personal sketchbook, not intended to cover all modular world news... there are great blogs for that already (see links section).

Finally, let me express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who contribute to this new trend of modular enthusiasm, thus also bringing about advancement on a musical level. Thanks to all manufacturers, distributors and fellow bloggers! Kudos to the masters of minijack modularism: Dieter Doepfer, John Blacet, Grant Richter, Wowa Cwejman, Manfred Fricke, Mike Brown, Bob Williams, Tom Carpenter, Gur Milstein, Laurie Biddulph, Tony Rolando, Kevin O'Neill, James Husted, Steve Turnidge, David Wagenbach, Scott Jaeger, Josh Holley, Paul Schreiber and everybody else developing and manufacturing. Thanks to Schneiders Buero for helping me get bankrupt time and time again!


euro suitcase nearly finished - first video shots

video scope in suitcase modular synth - MFB VD-01 from katavist on Vimeo.

This is a collage of demo clips of the MFB VD01 module in use with my euro-modular, the Korg Kaoss Pad Entrancer and the new Wavedrum X.
The first bit simply shows the waveforms of two audio sources from the modular. In the second part (and most of the rest of the video) one sound source is sent to the Entrancer for audio tweaking and simultaneous mangling of the video source from the MFB-module. The output of the Kaoss Pad is then sent back to the LCD TFT monitor. These visuals show both the distorted original waveforms and the Kaoss effects. In parts 5, 9 and 11 the Wavedrum X is played through Doepfer BBD and Wasp filter modules with a foot pedal as modulation source.
I wish I could have rendered and uploaded this in HD, but lack of disc space and time forced me to compromise...

more info: http://www.mfberlin.de/Produkte/Module/VD-01/VD-01e/vd-01e.html



this blog will start late january...